Things that are valuable can have a price or be priceless. Some priced items are: my cell phone, my bedroom set, and a sweater. Some priceless items are: my cats, my family, and looking outside at nighttime. The items that are valuable to me are my cell phone and my cats. Though one item has a price and the other one does not, they have the same value to me.
My cell phone has many uses. For example, I use my cell phone for emergencies. I call my parents when I have an emergency. For example, one time I called my parents because I had a headache. I also use my cell phone to talk to my friends. For example, I talk about: how my friends are doing, what they are doing, what they want to talk about, and ask them if they want to hang out on the weekend. I also use my cell phone for texting my friends. Yesterday, for example, I texted my friends and asked them if all four of us could hang out. My cats are also important to me.
My cats are special to me. They are my favorite animals they are so cuddly and playful. When my cats are playful they run around and chase each other. I play with my cats when they are playful. When I play with them I chase them around, pick them up, and give them their toys. My cats are also valuable to me because I have so many memories with them. My cell phone is also valuable to me.
My cats and my cell phone have similarities. For example, they have the same value. Another similarity is that my cats make me happy and my cell phone does too. When I’m in a bad mood my cats make me happy. Also, when I’m in a bad mood I listen to music on my phone and it makes me happy. Another similarity is that both my cats and my cell phone keep me entertained. These items are also different.
My cats and my cell phone have many differences. One difference is that my cats are pets and my cell phone is an electronic device. Another difference is that my cats are cuddly and my cell phone is not. Also, my cats are therapeutic and my cell phone is not as therapeutic. They might be different, but they are both valuable to me.
I value both my cats and my cell phone. I value my cell phone because I can do anything on it. I can play games, listen to music, text my friends, and go on Facebook. I value my cats because I get to bond with them. I also value my cats because they give me affection.
A lot of things are valuable and some things are not. Some things have a price, and some are priceless. My cats and my cell phone are important to me. I value my cell phone because there are so many things I can do on it. I value my cats because they make me happy and because they are playful. Even though my cats are priceless and my cell phone is priced, I value them equally.